The Bonds that Illuminate: The Gift of Friendship

4 min readOct 31, 2023


In the tapestry of life, there are certain threads that are woven so tightly, they become an inseparable part of our existence. For me, those threads are my mom’s two best friends, who have been by my side ever since I was born. In many ways, they are like godmothers, always making me feel loved and understood.

As someone who identifies as an atheist, I’ve always found my spirituality in unconventional places. While I may not believe in a higher power, I firmly believe in the power of energy, the intangible force that connects us all.

One of my mom’s closest friends, a woman whose wisdom and kindness have always left a lasting impression, introduced me to something special. She made it a tradition to take me to an ancient temple, hidden away in the heart of the city, at the unearthly hour of 4 AM. This temple, close to the hospital where I worked, was a revelation. I had never seen the hospital in that light before.

The transformation of my perspective on the hospital was nothing short of remarkable. Previously, the mere thought of the hospital filled me with stress and anxiety. The high-pressure environment, the constant rush, and the unending stream of patients had taken a toll on my well-being. But the early morning visits to the temple with my mom’s friend changed everything.

As I stepped into the serene temple, surrounded by the tranquility of the pre-dawn hours, I realized that beauty was hidden even in the most unlikely places. The hospital, which had once been a symbol of stress and chaos, took on a different hue. In the gentle embrace of the early morning, it was transformed into a place of reflection.

The stillness in the corridors, the soft echoes of footsteps, and the peacefulness in the air made me see the hospital in a new light. It was no longer just a hub of medical activity; it was a space where healing and compassion thrived. The stress that had once haunted me seemed to fade away in the presence of this newfound serenity.

I learned that perspective can be a powerful tool. Sometimes, all it takes to change our perception of a place or situation is a shift in the way we experience it. In that transition, I found a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper connection to the hospital’s noble mission of healing. These moments of reflection made me appreciate the dedication and hard work of the hospital staff even more. The stress I once associated with it was overshadowed by the sense of purpose and its profound impact on people’s lives.

The temple visits not only changed my perception of the hospital but also encouraged me to make a significant pledge to donate my eyes. It was a decision fueled by the realization that life’s true beauty often lies beneath the surface, waiting to be discovered.

The bond I share with these extraordinary women isn’t just about these life-altering experiences. They have a unique way of making me feel special, their gifts always reflecting their thoughtfulness. This year, one of them gave me a unique gift — an ink pen from the pioneers of the pen industry in India, K.V. Ratnam and Sons.

Holding this exquisite pen in my hand felt like Harry Potter receiving his wand for the first time. The craftsmanship and history behind this pen were nothing short of legendary. It was as if I held the power to create stories, just like the young wizard himself. Each stroke of the pen was a journey into the unknown, an adventure waiting to be penned.

This thoughtful gift from my mom’s friend made me realize that it’s not about the price tag but the sentiment behind a gift that truly matters. It’s about the way it makes you feel, the memories it creates, and the stories it tells. This ink pen is more than just a writing tool; it’s a symbol of the warmth and love I receive from these two extraordinary women.

In the company of my mom’s best friends, I have learned that life is about the people you share with and the moments you treasure. It’s about finding beauty in the most unexpected places and recognizing the energy that connects us all. Through them, I’ve learned that love and friendship can be a source of profound strength.

So, in the soft glow of the temple at 4AM and the magic of the ink pen from K.V. Ratnam and Sons, I’ve found a deep and abiding sense of gratitude. It’s a reminder that the best gifts are not the ones wrapped in paper and bows but the ones that touch your heart and soul, leaving an indelible mark.

