ReshmithaTHE AMBIGUITY OF WORKING WOMANWorking class women- technically make enough to earn a middle class by income, but they still live paycheck to paycheck.Dec 8, 2020Dec 8, 2020
ReshmithaPersuasive TechnologyCaptology: How technology “Rewires our Minds — — and Why We Let Them.”Sep 24, 2020Sep 24, 2020
ReshmithaDIY with RobDo it Yourself — When I was 10, this was magical and cool set of words. That’s right. I am from the M.A.D fan club. Every Sunday at 8:00…Oct 22, 2021Oct 22, 2021
ReshmithaTHE URGE TO RUINWe feel a strange urge, to jump off a cliff, burn down something, watch the bright fumes flowing, walk into the sea, immense in silence of…Jan 24, 2021Jan 24, 2021
ReshmithaTHE DAY I LEARNT TO SMILEMost beautiful thing in the world is HUMANITY.The easiest way to show it, is through a SMILE. For people like me, smiling is difficult, I…Jun 27, 2020Jun 27, 2020
ReshmithaPower of WordsAs young individuals, in times of crisis, we often question, What power do we have? Well, we have the POWER OF WORDS. Words can break or…May 4, 2021May 4, 2021
ReshmithaThe brain storyElon Musk is an inspiring personality. He diversifies the potential of engineer.Be it SpaceX, the solar city or the boring company, every…Sep 6, 2020Sep 6, 2020
ReshmithaScars and FuneralsFunerals aren’t for the dead. They are for the living.Sep 10, 2020Sep 10, 2020
ReshmithaWOMENThis year, though filled with crisis right from australian bush fires in January,the pandemic in the march, now in november WHO is…Nov 19, 2020Nov 19, 2020