Being Hanuman

2 min readJul 18, 2023


As an atheist, I approached the realm of mythology with skepticism. However, my recent experience of reading “ My Hanuman Chalisa” by Devdutt Pattanaik has given me an entirely new perspective on Hinduism. In just 170 pages, this book has offered profound insights into the life of Hanuman, who is my favorite superhero.

My fascination with Hanuman traces back to my childhood, when I vividly remember watching the “Jai Hanuman” movie when I was six. Little did I know then that this magnificent character would continue to inspire and captivate me. Hanuman’s story holds valuable lessons that transcend time and offer profound insights into the human experience. One such aspect is Hanuman's harmonious blend of selfless service and self-care.

Reading the Hanuman Chalisa was like understanding into the extraordinary life of Hanuman. Among the many valuable insights, one simple phrase stood out and will serve as my guiding principle from now on:

“How can I help?”

Hanuman, portrayed as a powerful and awe-inspiring entity, devoted his life to extending a helping hand to those around him — be it Sugriv, Ram, Vibhishan, Sita, or countless others.

In our hectic lives, it’s easy to become lost, restless, and exhausted, often overlooking the profound significance of being there for people around us. Hanuman, the epitome of intelligence, power, and courage in Hindu mythology, exemplified the essence of friendship by constantly lending assistance to those in need.

Amidst Hanuman’s unwavering commitment to service, his story also highlights the significance of self-care.

Hanuman’s invention of Surya Namaskar, a series of yoga postures dedicated to the Sun God, showcases the importance of physical well-being. Surya Namaskar not only strengthens the body but also rejuvenates the mind and uplifts the spirit.

Hanuman’s devotion to self-care demonstrates that nurturing ourselves is essential to sustain our ability to help others. By striking a balance between self-care and service, we cultivate the resilience, strength, and inner harmony necessary to navigate life’s challenges.

Inspired by Hanuman’s unwavering dedication to helping others, I have come to realize that the true purpose of our lives lies in making a difference and offering support to those around us. It is in these small acts of kindness and compassion that we can transform our own lives and the lives of others. Simultaneously, he reminds us to prioritize our own well-being, nourishing our body and mind.

Let us try and find the balance that allows us to uplift others while nurturing our own well-being.

